Eternal Peach Rose Bouquet


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Eternal Peach Rose Bouquet

Introducing the Everlasting Peach Rose Bouquet

Experience our stunning everlasting peach rose bouquet, made of superior quality. Each petal is crafted from 100% natural silk, providing a soft and realistic feel. These roses are carefully handpicked for their vibrant color and natural appearance. Bring a touch of freshness and beauty to your interior with this bouquet.

Unparalleled Durability and Beauty

Say goodbye to wilting and watering! Our everlasting peach roses are designed to maintain their color and beauty for a long time. Perfect for modern and natural decorations, they will be the centerpiece of any room, providing a warm and refined ambiance.

Expertly Handcrafted with Love

Each rose is meticulously prepared by hand in our workshop, ensuring exceptional quality and perfect color preservation. The 29 cm high roses, made from 100% natural silk petals, add a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any space. Experience the joy of everlasting roses without the hassle of maintenance.

Technical Specifications

  • Superior quality everlasting peach roses
  • 100% natural silk petals
  • Handcrafted and hand-colored
  • 29 cm in height
  • Long-lasting color and beauty

Transform your home into a serene oasis with our everlasting peach roses, combining modern decor with the natural beauty of flowers. Perfect for gifts, weddings, or simply to add a touch of elegance to your interior, these roses will captivate your senses, offering a delightful experience. Embrace the vibrant colors and exceptional quality of our everlasting peach roses, designed for your enjoyment.

Keywords: peach roses, everlasting roses, silk roses, decoration, natural decor, elegant decor, long-lasting flowers, gift, wedding, vibrant colors, handcrafted, high-quality, interior design, home decor, timeless beauty.

Additional information


Original, Mix varieties