Eternal Princess Rose Bouquet


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Eternal Princess Rose Bouquet

Experience Everlasting Elegance with the Princess Eternal Rose Bouquet

Discover the Princess Eternal Rose Bouquet, a stunning arrangement that expresses love and affection. Each rose is meticulously handcrafted in a workshop to ensure superior quality. The 100% natural silk petals provide a soft and elegant touch, creating a unique decorative piece that will elevate your interior space.

A Symphony of Color: Unmatched Quality and Conservation

The Princess Eternal Rose Bouquet offers unparalleled color preservation, allowing you to enjoy its beauty for a long time without any maintenance concerns. No watering or sunlight is required, ensuring the roses maintain their vibrant colors and allure. This exquisite bouquet, available in various color options, is the perfect centerpiece for your home or a thoughtful gift for someone special.

Elegant Design: A Modern and Natural Arrangement

The Princess Eternal Rose Bouquet showcases a modern and natural design, making it a versatile decorative element for any space. With 6 to 11 roses, each measuring 51 cm, this arrangement creates a striking focal point in your interior. Enhance its visual impact by combining different colors and placing it in a vase that matches your room’s decor.

Product Specifications

  • Dimensions: 51 cm per rose
  • Material: 100% natural silk petals
  • Color Options: Various colors available
  • Number of Roses: 6 to 11 roses per bouquet
  • Maintenance: No watering or sunlight required

Explore our extensive range of Eternal Rose Bouquets to find the perfect match for your style or as a gift for a loved one. Our collection includes various models, such as the Eternal Rose Belle and the Beast Bouquet or the elegant Silver Eternal Rose. Find the perfect rose arrangement to express your deepest emotions and create lasting memories.

Additional information


6 roses, 11 roses