Eternal Yellow Rose Bouquet


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Eternal Yellow Rose Bouquet

Experience Everlasting Joy with the Eternal Sunshine Bouquet

Bring happiness and warmth to your home with our Eternal Sunshine Bouquet, featuring a radiant arrangement of eternal yellow roses.

Experience the Unique Joy of Eternal Roses

Our Eternal Sunshine Bouquet stands out with its superior quality and unique design. The roses are made from 100% natural silk petals, providing a soft and realistic texture. This elegant and modern bouquet adds a touch of nature and sophistication to your interior decoration, making it an ideal gift for any occasion.

The Perfect Preservation of Color and Easy Maintenance

The yellow roses in our Eternal Sunshine Bouquet maintain their vibrant color perfectly, allowing you to enjoy their beauty for a long time. This low-maintenance bouquet doesn’t require watering or sunlight. Simply place it in a vase and enjoy its timeless elegance. The bouquet includes 6 roses, each measuring 51 cm, creating a harmonious and balanced composition.

Product Specifications

  • 6 x 51 cm eternal yellow roses made from 100% natural silk petals
  • Perfect color preservation
  • Low maintenance – no watering or sunlight required
  • Vase not included
  • Dimensions: 51 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm (L x W x H)

Transform your interior with the Eternal Sunshine Bouquet and discover our wide range of elegant and timeless arrangements. Complete your order with other models from our Ambassador Collection. Looking for other gift ideas? Consider our blue hippie flower bouquets, rose eternelle necklaces, or enchanting Beauty and the Beast-inspired accessories.